Winter Class

Dilligence   Communication   Problem-Solving  Teamwork   Learning   Resilience

Welcome to the Early Years Foundations Stage (EYFS)

Winter Class is the first class at Keevil and the final year of The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

Their EYFS  journey will have started in nursery and at home and teaches them skills they will need to be sucessful when starting the National Curriculum in Year One. It is also refered to as 'Reception Class'. At the end of the year they will be assessed against 17 Early Learning Goals (ELG's) which focus on creating happy, confident, independent little learners.

Winter Class Teacher: Miss Elizabeth Robinson 

I am the class teacher in Winter Class on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday with the lovely Mrs Brown on a Monday! I live in Trowbridge with my daughter who has recently disscovered swimming in the sea is fun regardless of how cold Mummy thinks the British sea is!

Starting school in September?

It can be daunting starting school and wondering if you have every thing ready and do our best to make this transition as easy as possible. Below are a few ideas of things you could consider doing at home to help get ready for school -  you will find you are doing lots of them already!! Please remember to email the school if you have any questions we don't manage to answer!


Class Dojo 

Much of our learning in winter class is through play and we use the Interactive Learning Journey software 'Class Dojo' to help record progress towards the Early Learning Goals. Class Dojo allows children, parents and teachers to work closely together.

Parents can click here to access Class Dojo 

Please note we will never require you to subcribe to additional features and is completly free to use.

Curriculum information 

Please find below more details of the Curriucum in Winter Class

Phonics & Literacy

At Keevil Academy we follow 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics' to teach phonics. Children will have daily sessions in Reception which continue in Year One. For more deatils of the scheme please feel free to  ask any questions and look out for more details in your childs contact book and  a curriuculum evening in Term One. There is also a parent page on the Little Wandle Website:

Little Wandle Letters and SoundsArticulation of Phonemes


We have daily Math's teaching following the Reception White Rose Curriculum.


In Winter we use non-cursive letters to give the children the best oppertunity to link the letter shape they read, with the letter shape they write, and to help develop sound pencil control skills for all. However as a school we recognise the importance of developing cursive letters which are introduced in Year One.