Collective Worship

Keevil School Prayer

Dear Lord,
May I treat others the way I would want to be treated,
May I reach out to those who need me.
May I always seek to be my best,
May I always find courage for all the rest.

At Keevil Academy we have taken the parable of 'The Good Samaritan' to guide us through our daily life. This is encapsulated in our motto below and our school prayer above.

Always treat others as you would want to be treated  Matthew 7:12

As a school we join together first thing every morning for an act of Collective Worship.  Starting the day altogether as a community, helps us to feel like a family and to start the day in a calm and reflective manner.

To create a varied experience of Worship, we follow a weekly timetable, which you can find below.

We have a group of Worship Leaders, taken from our Y5/6 class, who plan and lead Worship for the whole school once a week. They also play a pivotal role in evaluating the impact of Worship and help us plan to improve this.

We have a number of visitors who also regularly lead Worship for us.  These include the vicars from the parishes that our catchment area encompasses, the Open The Book team, ministers and representatives of other Christian denominations, and members of other faith communities.

We use Collective Worship as a means to enable children to ask big questions about who we are and why we do what we do, and to challenge us to think and behave differently as a result.  It is also an important opportunity to enable our whole community to grow spiritually.


General Documents Date  
Worship Timetable 2024 04th Jul 2024 Download