Physical Education (PE)


At Keevil we believe that PE has a unique role in education that extends beyond 5-18yrs, providing lifelong learning opportunities beyond the classroom.  By encouraging all our pupils to be physically active, they will

  • Improve their knowledge of health and wellbeing.
  • Develop fundamental movement skills which are the building blocks for a sport specific curriculum both inside and out of school.
  • Learn to work safely.
  • Develop many personal skills and lifelong values such as communication, collaboration and leadership of others.

All schools across Acorn Education Trust use Complete PE which is endorsed by the Youth Sport Trust.  It covers a large number of activities and can be tailored to the curriculum delivered at our school.  Each unit provides assessment opportunities in a variety of ways which are undertaken.  Acorn Education Trust organises festivals and competitions for Key Stage 1 & 2 and SEND pupils giving all the opportunity to extend their experience beyond curriculum time.

We ensure our PE Curriculum is rooted in the vision and ethos of the school, through ensuring that as well as delivering artistic knowledge and skills lessons also develop the Keevil Characteristics:

Encourage children to work together as a team using communication skills, as well as value their ability to show their diligence through their personal skill. Demonstrate that every child has the power to improve and contribute through learning and resilience. Problem-solve to ensure the best outcome in different scenarios.


At Keevil, we endeavour to ensure our children receive a minimum of two hours PE a week.  It is taught by a combination of class teachers and Acorn Education Trust PE specialists through a broad and balanced curriculum. 

At Key Stage 1 the curriculum is designed to provide pupils opportunities to improve their agility, flexibility, coordination and balance as individuals and in small groups.

At Key Stage 2 pupils are taught a wider range of fundamental movement skills and develop these in more sport specific activities.  The curriculum reflects the local demand of invasion games alongside an appreciation for the aesthetic activities of gymnastics and dance all of which feed into Acorn festivals or competitions.

We provide children the opportunity to attend extracurricular clubs at lunch times and afterschool. Children are also invited to attend competitive sporting events within our trust and West Wiltshire. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children.

Each year we select a sports council/sports leaders to develop sporting role models for the younger children. We provide the opportunity for some year 6 children to become a Sports Young Ambassador which aims to empower and inspire young people to become leaders through sport, helping to encourage their inactive peers to become hooked on sport. The programme aims to recruit, train, deploy and celebrate the outstanding individuals who volunteer their time in sport.


By the end of the PE curriculum at Keevil, our children will be equipped with the physical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the secondary curriculum and for life as an adult in the wider world. PE gives our pupils experiences in a wide variety of sports through quality teaching that is inclusive, engaging and fun.  In PE lessons, children learn to take responsibility for their own health and well-being and gain the physical skills to use both now and in the future.  Enrichment opportunities allow for greater personal development in which they will hopefully grow up to live happy and healthy lives utilising the skills and knowledge acquired from PE. All pupils are physically active outside of their structured PE including active phonics, active maths, break times, lunchtimes and after school clubs.


Did you know swimming and water safety is a statutory element of the National Curriculum in England. It is a requirement that all schools provide swimming instruction in either Key Stage One or Key Stage Two.

However, at Keevil we are proud to offer this in EVERY year group. All 7 year groups go swimming for a term every year meaning that by the time they leave us, we hope they are competent and confident in the water.